Who is steve sosebee

I wanted to help them and to help Palestine's children, so I brought them to Akron, Ohio for free care. They were the first kids to ever be sent to the USA for free medical care in the intifada.

We married in , and had two daughters, Jenna and Deema. In , Huda passed away from cancer after a long battle, and I moved back with my daughters to Palestine and we built the first public pediatric cancer department in Beit Jala Hospital in her name.

In , I remarried to Dr. Zeena Salman, a pediatric oncologist, and she also is dedicated to the lives of Arab children as a volunteer with the PCRF and we are working hard to continue to make this organization the best and more efficient one in the world.

Steve Sosebee. Hobby is exercising, reading, baseball, basketball, bike riding, movies and outdoor stuff. Sosebee said the years have gone by quickly. Mansour is now in his 40s and has four children. The meeting left Sosebee in a reflective mood. But his life would have been far more difficult without the prostheses he received in the U. Sosebee said the organization continues to help children in the West Bank and in Gaza. Donors in the U. The projects include resource rooms in Toman and Talfeet villages, a therapy playroom in the Jenin refugee camp and a garden for children with special needs in Ateel village.

In , the PCRF funded several projects at Palestinian hospitals, including an emergency room rehabilitation, and intensive care unit expansion and rehabilitation facilities for Gaza amputees. And it was all made possible by a year-old child who inspired Sosebee to dedicate his career to helping the afflicted.

Leave a message for Alan Ashworth at or email him at aashworth gannett. Facebook Twitter Email. Three decades later, nonprofit founded by Kent man still helping injured Palestinian children.

Alan Ashworth Akron Beacon Journal.


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