Why does hershel have a barn full of walkers

I think it was because Hershel had walkers in his barn. And after Shane let them out they would find them around the farm and In the episode where Shane is going to get killed right after Shane got shot there was a camera moment where the walkers where walking in one direction and heard the gun shot and then went to see what the noise was.

I also believe it was that is why there where walkers in the barn. The walkers were in the barn because Hershel kept them there. He thought there would one day be a cure for their illness. They didn't come to the farm because they would get stuck in the very gluey mud and the many fences in the farm. The walkers from the city only came to the house and barn area because they heard the sound of the gun shots.

I think it was the fact that no one ever really shot a gun and when ever there was walkers they where able to contain them.

Also Hershel had walkers in the barn and after Shane killed them a episode later everything went down so maybe that's why. And those Same Exact Scenes Bothered me immensely as well! And yes yes I do realize this is all based on a fantasy-reality, but the difference between an Ok-Story and a Good or even A Great Story is a consistency throughout.

Sounds pretty basic, but it's something that was lacking in the show in the very beginning. Also I'm pretty sure you left out that super-zombie occurred in the same rock-zombie episode that pretty easily Scaled a fence!

Took place when they were going for the vehicles to make their final escape from that department store. He just went up and over it! I don't think That was zombie-certified. Incredibly un-zombie-like! Did anyone else hear that as well? When they were stuck on the concrete highway as the herd was or had make their way through.. But in the episodes that followed I was Indeed Very Pleased to see that Although zombies themselves are unable to Learn by their mistakes - the writers themselves can.

Perhaps ones not mentioned above or here below in the Comments sections? I think most of us would really enjoy hearing about them.. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 6 years, 6 months ago. Active 2 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 29k times. Improve this question. Wad Cheber 65k 58 58 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Jackson Walker Jackson Walker 2 2 gold badges 4 4 silver badges 13 13 bronze badges. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. THE TIMING: Keep in mind that Rick's group got to the farm maybe a month and a half after the outbreak started - maybe less - and left after only a few weeks Lori wasn't visibly pregnant when they left.

And as Cvance74's answer mentioned, the stream and woods acted as natural fences as well. Improve this answer. Wad Cheber Wad Cheber 65k 58 58 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. I get this but what about roaming hoards? As we saw tword the end of sn 2 Carls gunshot attracted a huge hoard of zombies. So there were large hoards moving along the border of the farm but they stayed away. This leads me to wonder do zombies have a pack mentality? Back at the road, Daryl and Andrea go out looking for Sophia.

This timeline is crucial, because it's in this span where Sophia is bitten, escapes and dies, and then makes her way to the farm to be captured. This means Herschel and Otis or Jimmy, possibly someone else must have helped put her in the barn-- as that's a two, probably three person operation.

One person on the leash, one person on the entry door to the barn, and one person on the far side of the barn, drawing the attention of the walkers. She can't have arrived later, because the Atlanta survivors had set a watch, and would have seen Sophia being put in the barn.

It can't have happened while Carl was being tended but before Daryl, Andrea, and Dale arrived, because Otis was with Shane, Hershel and Patricia were with Carl, Maggie was going to get Lori, which only leaves Beth and Jimmy to put Sophia in the barn-- which could have happened, but then Jimmy would have to be either the most mentally challenged 17 year old male left alive or the most psychopathically capable liar, because he then later joins the search for Sophia, working hand in hand with Rick to find her.

Which means Hershel and likely one other surviving member of the Greene family not only knew Sophia was in the barn, but allowed the Atlanta survivors to continue searching for her-- after Daryl's injuries and the loss of the horse, after seeing them deal with the possibility she was alive when finding her doll.

The only way they might not have known she was in there was if Sophia got bit fairly shortly after Rick left her, stumbled towards the farm before dying and reanimating and Otis put her in the barn, by himself , before going hunting. This seems impractical for the simple fact that putting a walker into the barn required more than one person to do properly, and the Greene farm survivors, whatever their faults, at least seem to have figured out how to safely put a zombie in the barn without having the whole farm get overwhelmed.

View source. History Talk 0. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Universal Conquest Wiki. Season 1. Season 2. Season 3. Season 4. Season 5. Season 6. Pattrick Fuel Co. Afterwards, despite the gentle treatment, she replies with a stern "thank you. Hershel appears mostly by Beth's side during this episode.

Hershel puts Judith to sleep in her crib and talked to Beth and Carl, sitting on the stairs. When Carl hears a noise emanating from elsewhere in the prison, Hershel attempts to stop him from investigating the noise but ultimately decides to let him go. He is later seen when he sees the new group arriving in another cell. Sasha Williams glares at him and yells at them to unlock the door when Carl locked it. Tyreese , Sasha's brother and the leader of the group, calms her down and gives Hershel and the group his assurances that they're not looking for trouble.

Hershel is seen in the common room, doctoring Allen 's leg. Hershel bonded with Tyreese and the two share some of their stories since the outbreak began. Hershel told Tyreese that he shouldn't get too comfortable here, as he can't make the decision whether Tyreese's group can stay here or not. When Rick, Glenn, Maggie, and Michonne return to the prison, Hershel and Beth hug Maggie and he tells Beth to take her sister inside to get some medication.

Back in the cell, he examines Glenn's injuries, surprised that Glenn sustained no broken bones. He informs Glenn that he is like a son to him, before leaving to talk to Maggie. Hershel told Maggie if she has anything to talk about, she can talk to him. He also mentions how he noticed her strange behavior around Glenn. He told her that he is proud of her and that she got her mother's spirit and stubbornness.

She laid down in his arms and the two bonded with each other. Later that evening, Hershel wanted Rick to let Tyreese's group join them. When Rick says no while deciding the fate of Tyreese's group, Hershel argues against the decision due to their shortage in manpower following Oscar's death and Daryl's abandonment. Shortly after, Rick screams around the room, and Hershel stared at Rick, confused about his act of sudden tantrum.

After Rick's outburst towards the hallucination of Lori and indirectly towards Tyreese, Hershel is seen with the group inside of The Prison. He listens to Glenn's proposal on how to defend themselves from The Governor , but recommends that the group leave the prison rather than risk retaliation from Woodbury. He later comments that Glenn's decision to take over the leadership from Rick may be unwise at this time since Maggie is still recovering from her and Glenn's detention and torture in Woodbury, also advising Glenn to comfort Maggie.

Later, when Glenn is outside and about to leave the Prison to scout, Hershel advises him to stay and take stock. Glenn ignores his council and leaves. Distraught, Hershel notices Rick wandering outside the Prison. There, he notices Rick outside of the fence, deciding to counsel him about his mental status. Rick confesses to Hershel about his visions of Lori and Shane, and Hershel urges him to come back inside of The Prison, where it is safe, but before Rick refuses.

Just then, The Governor attacks them. Hershel ends up pinned down within the prison fence where the "walker bomb" is deployed. Hershel is rescued by Michonne and Glenn before he can be harmed. Hershel is seen with the rest of the group discussing the Woodbury situation.

When Rick attempts to wander off, Hershel yells at him to get back here and do something, but Rick ignores him and wanders outside. Hershel visits Merle in his cell, where they bond over their amputations and a Bible verse.

Merle tells Hershel of The Governor's planned pecking order during a second attack, with Merle being the first death and Rick being the last because The Governor wants Rick to watch his family and friends die around him. Andrea returns to the Prison, and appears shocked to see that Hershel has lost his leg. He then informs her of Lori's fate and the birth of her baby girl, and asks why she's so sure that The Governor is willing to negotiate. Later that night, while Beth is singing by the candlelight, Hershel voices his concerns about Andrea's inner conflict and The Governor's numbers.

Rick agrees and says that they need to match those numbers, then decides to go for a supply run in the morning with Michonne and Carl to try and find some bullets and new weapons. Rick then tells Daryl and Hershel that they will be in charge while he's gone. Hershel goes along with Rick and Daryl to the meeting with The Governor. Later, he is seen talking to Milton Mamet about his amputation, and even jokes about his question regarding the leg.

The two seem to form a bond of sorts because of this. When the meeting is over, he leaves with Rick and Daryl. Back at the prison when the meeting is over, Hershel privately mentions the group's sentiments about going to war with Woodbury. He and Carol think the group should leave the Prison behind and take their chances on the road to avoid any more hostility from Woodbury and The Governor, but they would go along with whatever Rick felt was best.

It's then that Rick reveals the truth: the Governor asked for Michonne. Hershel stands up for Michonne, saying she earned her place. However, when asked if he would risk Maggie and Beth's lives for her, Hershel cannot counter. Hershel is still against the idea of Rick handing over Michonne to The Governor, and agrees with Daryl when he says that the decision is not like them. Later on, Hershel and his daughters pray with a bible and he said he would do anything to keep Maggie and Beth away from harm.

While in his cell, Glenn visits him and says that he now understands why Hershel gave him the pocket watch and tells Hershel that he wants to marry Maggie. Hershel gives Glenn his blessing. Hershel is later seen on the outside of the Prison, along with the other remaining members of the group as Rick denounces having sole leadership. Hershel is first seen packing important medical supplies in bags.

He then hides out in the woods with Carl as the Woodbury army ambushes the Prison and retreat when they are ambushed themselves. Jody , one of the Woodbury soldiers, runs off into the woods where he comes across Hershel and Carl. Despite surrendering his gun, Carl shoots him anyways. Hershel tells Rick about what really happened with Jody, as Carl had lied to Rick. Hershel tells Rick that Carl gunned Jody down and Jody had no intentions on killing either of them.

Later, at the end of the episode, Hershel cheerfully guides the remaining Woodbury survivors to their new home in the Prison, most of whom are children or elderly. Within the time gap between Season 3 and Season 4, Hershel has started a garden out on the prison yard.

He also now has a prosthetic leg that Daryl found on a supply run. Hershel is first seen with Rick out in the gardens.

He is talking to Rick about how to plant things and use seeds to grow more plants. Before Rick walks away, Hershel makes a joke aimed at Rick regarding the proper clothing to farm and grow crops. He also tells Rick that him and the rest of the council want him to carry a gun when he goes outside the prison.

Later at the end of the episode he is talking with Rick about the situation with Clara. He tries to persuade Rick that there was nothing he could do and she was wrong about not being able to come back from the brink of insanity. When Rick suggests losing the prison, Judith, or Carl would put him in that position, Hershel says, "not even then. Hershel is first seen examining the new infection with Caleb Subramanian a doctor , Rick, Daryl, and Bob Stookey a newcomer to the prison, who worked as an army medic before he meets with the rest of the "council" to discuss the new situation at the prison and how to deal with it, putting Karen and David in isolation in the process.

Hershel is seen bandaging Rick's hand after his fight with Tyreese. He later goes into the woods with Carl to collect Herbs for the infected people. They both spot a decomposed walker as another one arrives. Once they return, Maggie tries to stop him from going inside Cell Block A to prevent him from being infected. Rick arrives and sides with Maggie. Hershel explains how they risk their lives and that he can help the sick.

They both allow him to go and he goes inside and gives Caleb the herb medicine. When Caleb coughs, He spits blood into Hershel's face and Hershel himself thinks he is infected with the flu type infection.

He also gives Glenn the herb medicine. Hershel is in Block A taking care of the infected survivors. Hershel, Glenn, and Sasha take care of several of the infected together until things go to Chaos. He attempts to reassure Caleb that everything will be fine, before realizing that the doctor had given up hope, showing Hershel several guns he had packed and revealing blood running from his eyes and mouth.

Later, Hershel revives a passed out Sasha and when he exits the cell, Lizzie yells to Hershel, alerting him of 2 walkers in the room. Hershel gets pinned but a woman and man come to save him. However, the man's teenage son turns and bites his father, causing him to accidentally shoot and kill the woman.

Hershel quickly runs to Lizzie who is pinned under a walker, and throws it onto a fence below the catwalk. Hershel then shouts at Caleb for a gun, before encountering the doctor, now dead and reanimated. After stabbing him through the bars of the cell, he retrieves a shotgun, which he uses to lure and kill the walkers. Right after, Hershel goes to get the breathing tube from the walker to save Glenn, but is pinned. Right on time, Maggie finally breaks into the cell block, and kills the walker and saves Hershel.

She kills the remaining walkers and then they go to save Glenn, which they do. Afterwards, Hershel is seen back in Caleb's cell, where he tends to his corpse and attempts to read his bible before breaking down and sobbing over the events of the day.

The next day, Hershel is confronted by Daryl, who asks where Carol is. Hershel, however, reassured him that she is fine, but directs him to Rick.

He then rides with Michonne to burn and bury the corpses from the previous day. When The Governor arrives at the prison, he discovers Hershel and Michonne outside of the fences disposing walker corpses from the previous attack. He then aims his gun at the both of them. The Governor ambushes Hershel and Michonne, knocking Michonne unconscious, and forcing Hershel to drop his gun. While they are held hostage, The Governor explains that he intends to take the prison from Rick so that his new group can live there safely, and will be using Hershel and Michonne to get it.

Hershel tries, but fails to persuade The Governor that they could all live together. When The Governor states that he will kill members of the Survivors if necessary, Hershel states that The Governor should realize that threatening to kill a man's children is wrong since he used to have a child himself, but The Governor has already made his decision. Once The Governor arrives at the Prison with his group and the two hostages, Hershel attempts to help Rick in reaching diplomacy.

Rick spends several minutes pleading with The Governor, asking him to let Hershel and Michonne go and offering to let his group live in the Prison with the others. The Governor becomes irritated and holds Michonne's katana to Hershel's throat. Rick then looks down at Hershel and Hershel nods his head, as a sign of saying Rick has made the right choice.

Rick frantically tries to reason, and reinstates Hershel's virtues of peace and that nobody is "too far gone", and that "we can all come back," leading Hershel to smile vaguely. The Governor begins to put down the sword, but then stops, muttering "liar". The Governor then swings the sword into Hershel's neck, partially decapitating him. This leads to the beginning of a massive gunfight, as Maggie and Beth cry for their father, watching from behind the Prison gates.

As Hershel bleeds out and desperately attempts to crawl away in the ensuing gunfight, The Governor catches up to him and repeatedly slashes at Hershel's neck with the sword, utterly decapitating and killing him.

Michonne comes across Hershel's reanimated head when she comes back to the Prison, and stabs it with her katana. Later, he is mentioned by Carl as one of the survivors Rick failed to protect when he is scolding an unconscious Rick.

Hershel is seen in flashbacks through the episode. His main role in these flashbacks is to encourage Rick to stop going out on runs and instead begin farming at the prison and teaching Carl how to be more balanced.

Hershel appears briefly in a flashback when Rick reflects on memories with all of his friends while panicking over the possibility that his other friends could be killed by the Saviors. In a hallucination, Rick finds himself back at the farm. Hershel greets him warmly.

Rick embraces him and apologizes for what happened to him and his family, but Hershel assures Rick not to worry, reminding him that Maggie's strong and that his grandson would only make her stronger.

Rick confides in Hershel that his goal to create a better world hasn't been easy and is trying find his family, but Hershel tells him he doesn't and just has to wake up.

After Rick pleads with the Governor's group to put down their guns and join them at the prison, the Governor blatantly refuses under his breath and proceeds to slice Hershel's neck using Michonne's katana.

Then, as a mortally wounded Hershel vainly drags himself away from the fight, slowly dying from lost blood, the Governor catches up with him and brutally hacks the rest of his neck, completely decapitating him in the process. After the destruction of the prison, Michonne finds Hershel's reanimated head and, with sadness, puts it down. Josephine is Hershel's first wife, and Maggie's mother.

She is stated by Hershel to be tough and strong, and she frequently made him sleep on the couch whenever he comes home late or drinking at night, showing that she cared a lot about her husband.

She died before the apocalypse occurred. After her death, Hershel marries another woman , much to Maggie's dismay. Annette was Hershel's wife and he deeply loved her. When she died, Hershel locked her up in the barn hoping that a cure would be found and save her life, and stated that she wasn't dead and was only sick. Hershel took up drinking again when Annette was killed, depressed over the death of his second wife, whom he loved.

Maggie is Hershel's eldest daughter. They have a normal father-daughter relationship and are very close. Hershel has entrusted Glenn to take care of her and be her unofficial husband, a status which Glenn had to earn by proving himself to Hershel over time. Maggie's personality is much like that of her father in that she is strong, intelligent, brave, responsible, innovative, capable, and able to bounce back from the tragedies she faces without letting herself become devastated or weakened by them.

Knowing that Maggie can take care of herself without his constant supervision, Hershel gave her the job of going on supply runs, a duty which she has kept throughout the zombie apocalypse. He also allows Maggie to engage in combat alongside the men. This is far different from how Hershel views Beth, who he keeps by his side as she is much more naive and fearful than her sister. However, Hershel is still very protective of Maggie and often worries about her, like any normal parent would.

When the virus hits the prison, Hershel's devotion to caring for the sick, in spite of his own chances of catching the disease, deeply upsets Maggie. He convinces her that he is making the right decision. However, when he's alone in quarantine fighting off a walker who is wearing intubation he needs to save Glenn's life, Maggie refuses to let the walker kill him, even at risk of destroying the intubation.

She manages the perfect shot, killing the walker and saving her father. His death by the Governor's hands several hours later devastates Maggie. She is seen crying and screaming behind the prison fences after witnessing her father's execution.

Beth is Hershel's youngest daughter. They have a normal, loving, father-daughter relationship. Hershel is protective of Beth as she is still considered a kid, at the age of Hershel always kept Beth out of harm's way for as long as she can remember, even after the outbreak happened, and teaches her to always do good things in life.

After Beth tried to commit suicide, Hershel was by her side watching and caring for her. Hershel calls Beth, "Bethy", and is proud of his daughter's singing skills. When Hershel is bitten, amputated and taken back to the cells, Beth starts to cry in Lori's arms at the sight of her unconscious father in "Sick". Beth does not give up on Hershel and still believes he will be okay, Beth starts to make new pants for Hershel and Maggie asks why in which Beth moans at her for sounding as she has given up on their father.

When Hershel regains consciousness, he and Beth are seen walking around together, Beth helping Hershel walk and cope with his new disability while Maggie is off with Glenn. Hershel always protects Beth despite his inability to walk normally, such as in episodes "Killer Within" and "Welcome to the Tombs". Sometimes, Hershel would also give medical advice regarding Judith to Beth and Carol. In season 4, Hershel and Beth had very little interaction due to the flu outbreak surrounding the prison, although when she and Maggie were struggling in the aftermath of the virus, Beth reminded her of Hershel's advice that they all had jobs to do.

After Hershel was murdered before her eyes, Beth began to scream and cry, and opened fire on the Governor alongside Maggie. Maggie later calmed her by reminding her of Hershel's advice. After his death, she admit that she missed him and Beth promised herself to keep her father's teaching alive. Shawn was Hershel's stepson and he deeply loved him. When he died, Hershel locked him up in the barn hoping that a cure would be found and save his life, and stated that he wasn't dead and was only sick.

Hershel took up drinking again when Shawn was killed, depressed over the death of his stepson, whom he loved. Otis is Hershel's close friend, and they got along with each other well.

Hershel is grateful towards Otis for helping him at the farm on numerous occasions, and doesn't mind him staying. Hershel was saddened of Otis' death, and held a funeral for him in appreciation for what he had done for his entire life and what he did right before his death.


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